8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218

Visitor FAQs

Visitor FAQs

1. What should I wear? Can I wear costumes?

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. The Arboretum is 66 acres, including the 8-acre Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden. Don’t forget a hat and sunscreen.

All visitors are required to wear a shirt and shoes at all times. Arboretum management reserves the right to deny entry to guests wearing clothing items with offensive text, content and/or images. For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, costume masks, face painting, and props weapons are not allowed in the garden.

2. What else should I bring?

If it’s warm, wear a hat and bring sun screen and other items to protect your skin. You may want to also bring a water bottle. We have a water bottle refill station at the main plaza area and drinking fountains at all the entrances.

3. Are food and snacks available for purchase?

There are several dining options and vending machines on site including a seated restaurant. Sandwiches, soups, salads and snack items are available to order. Seated Tea is served in Restaurant DeGolyer year-round and available by reservation only. Please call 214.515.6511 to make reservations. See dining options.

4. Can I bring food from home?

Yes, you can bring your own picnic basket with food, snacks and any beverages.  

5. Where can I eat?

Visitors may picnic anywhere on the grounds, except in dining areas. There are a limited number of picnic tables located throughout the Garden. During Seasonal Festivals, Restaurant DeGolyer has outdoor table service on the Loggia. Food is allowed only in specified areas in the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden. See all our dining options.

6. Are wagons permitted?

Wagons are allowed at the Arboretum. In the Children’s Adventure Garden, strollers and wagons are permitted if they have a braking system due to the terrain.

7. Are wheelchairs and strollers permitted?

Wheelchairs and strollers are allowed throughout the gardens including the Children’s Adventure Garden. Wheelchairs are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis at no cost at the Information Booth.

8. Can I bring a bicycle?

Bicycles are not allowed in the Garden. There is a designated bicycle stand in the main parking lot and in the Children’s Adventure Garden parking lot. Please inquire with the parking attendants about bicycle parking locations.

9. Can I bring pets or assistance animals?

Only licensed service animals are permitted in the Garden.

10. Can I bring balls or balloons?

To protect our plants, active sports and games are not permitted at the Arboretum. Prohibited games and activities include, but are not limited to: kites, Frisbees and other plastic discs, egg hunts, roller skating, footballs, baseballs and soccer balls. Balloons are also prohibited.

11. Can I cook or grill food at my picnic?

All outdoor flames are prohibited including candles.

12. Can I take wedding/Quinceanera photos in the garden?

Personal photography is allowed in the Garden. For smaller handheld equipment, you do not need to pay a commercial garden photography fee, only the price of regular admission and parking are required to enjoy a day and take personal pictures in the garden. Wedding and Quinceanera photo shoots are allowed in the Main Garden from 3-5pm only, and photography equipment must not impede the general walkways/doorways. Brides and Quinceaneras must come already dressed for photo shoots. The City of Dallas does not permit changing clothes in the public restrooms but we do offer a two-hour rental in our VIP rental for $300 and that room can be reserved online.

Wedding and Quinceanera photo shoots, as well as tripods and professional photography equipment are prohibited in the Children’s Adventure Garden. Personal photography with cell phones and cameras is allowed.

13. Can I listen to music in the garden?

All amplified music and noise-making devices are prohibited, unless pre-approved by the Arboretum.

14. Can I smoke in the garden?

No, the Dallas Arboretum is a smoke free garden. No Smoking will be enforced during public garden hours. Public garden hours include normal daytime operating hours as well as any evening public activities to include concerts, member activities and night time exhibits. Smoking will not be permitted in the parking lots, nor within in the garden itself. This includes vaping and e-cigarettes.

15. Does it cost to visit the Arboretum?

Yes. Visit our admissions page for more information.

16. What if I leave something behind at the Arboretum?

To reach our lost and found, please call 214.515.6615 or email lostandfound@dallasarboretum.org. However, please note that credit cards and driver’s licenses left more than 48 hours will be shredded to protect our guests.

Additional information:

  • Please do not stand or walk in garden beds or climb on trees or shrubs.
  • Do not pick flowers.
  • Do not take or harm any of the wildlife (this includes feeding squirrels).
  • Please do not play in the water features.
  • Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Complimentary wheelchairs are available on first come, first served basis. Trams and golf carts are not available to transport guests during evening hours.
  • The Dallas Arboretum honors discounts on our website only. Incorrect pricing and promotions by other entities will not be accepted.

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