8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218

Learn to Grow Horticulture Presentation

Enjoy special tips and presentations on plants and gardening topics.

Date & Time:

Every Friday


Tasting Plaza


March 14th– Orchids: Secrets to Thriving Blooms
Unlock the secrets to happy, healthy orchids.  Whether you are a beginner or experienced grower, you’ll learn tips on watering, light, repotting and troubleshooting common orchid issues.  Emily with the Greater North Texas Orchid Society

March 21 – Getting ready for Tomato season with Matthew Orwat, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Dallas County
Are you interested in growing tomatoes but have never learned how? This class will examine the various tips, tricks, and challenges for growing successful tomatoes in the DFW area. The topics we will cover include selecting the best tomato cultivars for the Dallas climate and soil, fertilization and irrigation, common tomato pests, and common tomato disease prevention. Any skill level is welcome

May 16th – Drip Irrigation – Conserving water in a beautiful landscape with Matthew Orwat, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Dallas County
Drip irrigation is an important piece of the puzzle for North Texas water conservation. Since Drip irrigation is 90% efficient, we save 30 to 40 percent of water usage because overhead sprinkler application is only 50-70% efficient. Additionally, both drip irrigation and soaker hoses are often exempt from watering restrictions, depending on which municipality.  In this class we will discuss the benefits of drip irrigation, how to install a drip irrigation system and the various components of a system. We will also talk about the benefits of mulch in the home garden.