Outdoor Lab Programs in the Main Garden

Outdoor Lab Programs
TEKS-aligned outdoor lab programs are offered for 3rd–6th grade on-site in the Main Garden. We also offer seasonal programs for Kinder–2nd grade.
- Monday–Friday
- $12 per student | 1:8 teacher/chaperone free
- $15 per additional chaperone
- Children’s Adventure Garden access included
- Up to 30 students per session

Texas Native Plant Lab
3rd – 6th Grade
From plains to the coast, and mountains and basins, Texas is home to a great diversity of flora. This program focuses on plants which are specially adapted to survive in diverse ecosystems. Through hands-on investigations utilizing digital equipment, students refine their scientific observation skills while exploring cacti, succulents, grasses and wildflowers in this educational garden. Get up close and personal with some of our state’s most fascinating plants! Email education@dallasarboretum.org to confirm availability.
Science and Engineering Practices: 1D, 1E, 1G, 2B, 3B, 3C
Recurring Themes and Concepts: 5F, 5G
Science Content:
5.12A, 5.13A

Nature’s Works of Art
3rd – 6th Grade
The beauty and wonder of trees and flowers have enchanted artists for centuries. In this Arboretum educator-led program, students will explore color, shape and texture in nature and investigate the artistic skills used in a variety of jobs at the Arboretum.
3.1B, 3.3C
4.1B, 4.3C
5.1B, 5.3C
MS 1 1(B), 3(D)

Christmas Village Guided Tour
K – 2nd Grade
Available November 13 – December 20
Take a trip around the world this winter without leaving Texas! Explore the Arboretum’s Pauline and Austin Neuhoff Family Christmas Village while students learn about winter traditions from across the globe that have found their way to Texas. Discover traditional food and music as well as cultural meanings of winter flowers and plants from our state and beyond. Connect with your favorite winter traditions this year at the Dallas Arboretum.
Science TEKS:
Recurring Themes and Concepts: 5A
Science Content:
Social Studies TEKS:
K.11A, K.11
B1.14A, 1.14B
2.12A, 2.12B